Nov 24, 2009

If I had a one on one with:

God, I would ask him: Est ce que vous parlez francais monsieur?

My dead grand father, I would ask him : "Did u see what happened when you left?"

The moon, I would ask him: "What's so gr8 nd romantic abt u dude?"

The sydney guy, I would ask him "Seriously??!!! Get a life!"

A ghost, I would ask him "Holy shit how does it feel to be this transparent??"

The neigboor on top of us, I would ask him "Can u please try not to make those weird sounds while making love to ur boyfriend at 4am?"

Luck, I would ask him "Est ce que je suis transparente???"

The girl who stole my bag, I would tell her and not ask her "Espece de salope j'vais te crever les yeux!!!"

My computer, I would ask him "Will you marry me?"

My alter ego, I would ask him "Who do you think you are??"

Santa Clause, I would ask him "Is there any chance I might get a nice valuable gift this year?"


Ekios said...

Y'a d'la joie, bonjour bonjour les hirdonelles ... ;)

Easyyyyyyy ;)

Rania said...

J'aime bien :-D

Marillionlb said...

Et pourquoi Le moon au masculin??? No wonder your moon is not romantic, it is a DUDE !!!!!

Krys said...

c ke la lune en francais c bel et bien au feminin mais THE moon ca me semblait plus un mec...chais pa ca sonne faux au femininet puis euh si je comprend bien les DUDES sont pas romantiques??

Krys said...

EKIOS!!! chou tu m'prend pr une depressive?? ca va pa!!!

Anonymous said...

ce que je cherchais, merci

Krys said...

y a pa de koi! ms tu cherchais koi au juste?