Mar 13, 2007

L essa li ma khelssit.....


Joe said...

I'm... I.. umm... WOWWWW!!!! Sad, I watched it and when it was over I kept staring at the screen! It's really so COOL!

just me said...

stop drama plzzz! krys go get drunk now :p

Krys said...

Yeah Drama queen lately...that must be smg in the air!

just me said...

are u a dancing queen too :) i bet u r

Krys said...

And I can jiiiive and I can daaaaaaance having the time of my liiiiiiiiiiiife.....
Ans am the queen of kings too lol :D

just me said...

wow groooove baby

Krys said...

Boom shake shake shake the room hahaha :D

just me said...

lol u r hilarious

Krys said...


KEA said...

So bottom line... Come Back!

Krys said...

"sanarji3ou yawman..." :))

S@m said...

Krys where r u? those were the days my friends?

Krys said...

Lost in a huge pile of bookzzzzzzzzzzz...........exzamzzzzzzzzzzz dear :(((

Coco said...

Krys, awwal shi good luck on your exams! (hayde men el ekhir)

Amazing assidi, I have heard it shi thousand times already in the past 3 years and the last line still puts tears in my eyes w 7ar2a bi albeh. "betmanna bokra yabni tkaffi el ossa l'ebnak kamen, ma tkaffiya b kanada, kaffiya hawn, bi lebnen". Heydeh latsheh awiyyeh.

Yalla, iza mesheh el business el jdid tab3ouleh (check mmmmmmmmm's blog), akid bkaffeh el ossa bi Lebnen :)

Krys said...

Thx Coco :)

That's the first time I hear it and it meant a lot to me.
Hopefully kelna menkafiya bi lebnen w mech bas ahel canada ;)

Lol 3al business....kello meche l mhemm b lebnen :)))

Anonymous said...

I 4got about it......
Thank u 4 reminding me it...
U know I became very emotional about Lebanon since I came 2France!

Nadim [bad]

Krys said...

This is one story I can't get bored from hearing it.

We all become very emotionnal when we leave, c'est le cours normal des choses, it's called "le mal du pays" :))
But try to enjoy your stay in France, Paris est une ville excellente, so much to see and to do and lots of good times especially with the good weather these days, last year it was still freezing by now :))

Mounir said...

not sure how to feel about this post, I felt very nice about hearing the way the story was told, very happy about how Lebanon came to be, and very sad about the barbaric attacks on Lebanon..
it s funny actually because one song I posted on my blog just today also reminded me of what s happening in that part of the world...

el koubrosli said...

shou hal shi el minteik ikhto ...

Krys said...

eh se7tak bel dene eza bas nsadamet wlo :)))

el koubrosli said...

leh mistakhryeh el sadmeh hal2ad ..

Krys said...

ma ana ma 3ende fekra ba3ed 3an aya no3 sadmet 3am tehke...

el koubrosli said...

inno leh badik t7oti hal shi el sakhif 3ala blogik ..inno rakzeh 3ala el sarameh ..akid azbat ..w ahdam

Krys said...

enu ana 2elet ma bissir ykoun l blog hall2ad serious w baddo techghil rass fa lezem hot chi sakhif....enu bas hek ta nghayer jaw w netsalla chwey