A blognote to scratch down some of the brouhaha itching my neopallium....to make fun of some other "must" clichés & to draw, with a very bad handwriting, some "gribouillages".....
You all laugh because I am different, I laugh because you are all the same!!
Nov 30, 2006
Combien tu pèses ?
Ce n’est un secret pour personne :
Plus une femme a confiance en elle, plus elle attire les regards.
lol... but most women I knew look and find themselves fatter in the mirror :) even when they ask others how they look they won't believe they look great...and they try to slim down further...:):)
Maya, la confiance c'est la base sur laquelle la pyramide est fondée...ajoutons le "self esteem", le "bien être", une pincée d'intelligence, la lucidite et voilà qu'on est au top.
I am regular visitor of this website[url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/lose-10-pounds-in-2-weeks-quick-weight-loss-tips].[/url]krysche.blogspot.com really contains lot of useful information. I am sure due to busy scedules we really do not get time to care about our health. Here is a fact for you. Recent Scientific Research presents that closely 70% of all USA adults are either chubby or weighty[url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/lose-10-pounds-in-2-weeks-quick-weight-loss-tips].[/url] Therefore if you're one of these individuals, you're not alone. Infact many among us need to lose 10 to 20 lbs once in a while to get sexy and perfect six pack abs. Now the question is how you are planning to have quick weight loss? You can easily lose with with little effort. You need to improve some of you daily habbits to achive weight loss in short span of time.
About me: I am webmaster of [url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/lose-10-pounds-in-2-weeks-quick-weight-loss-tips]Quick weight loss tips[/url]. I am also mentor who can help you lose weight quickly. If you do not want to go under hard training program than you may also try [url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/acai-berry-for-quick-weight-loss]Acai Berry[/url] or [url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/colon-cleanse-for-weight-loss]Colon Cleansing[/url] for effortless weight loss.
hi krys...
cool blog..
i like.
tu est tres cool.
hi "anonyme"...
thx :)
i thought i left a message!!
agree with your post... mais la confiance est necessaire mais pas suffisante... non?
lol... but most women I knew look and find themselves fatter in the mirror :) even when they ask others how they look they won't believe they look great...and they try to slim down further...:):)
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... cool blog, by the way.
Maya, la confiance c'est la base sur laquelle la pyramide est fondée...ajoutons le "self esteem", le "bien être", une pincée d'intelligence, la lucidite et voilà qu'on est au top.
Mone, this is exactly the lack of confidence.
jcr, I couldn't agree more and thx :)
Great post :):):)
I am regular visitor of this website[url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/lose-10-pounds-in-2-weeks-quick-weight-loss-tips].[/url]krysche.blogspot.com really contains lot of useful information. I am sure due to busy scedules we really do not get time to care about our health. Here is a fact for you. Recent Scientific Research presents that closely 70% of all USA adults are either chubby or weighty[url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/lose-10-pounds-in-2-weeks-quick-weight-loss-tips].[/url] Therefore if you're one of these individuals, you're not alone. Infact many among us need to lose 10 to 20 lbs once in a while to get sexy and perfect six pack abs. Now the question is how you are planning to have quick weight loss? You can easily lose with with little effort. You need to improve some of you daily habbits to achive weight loss in short span of time.
About me: I am webmaster of [url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/lose-10-pounds-in-2-weeks-quick-weight-loss-tips]Quick weight loss tips[/url]. I am also mentor who can help you lose weight quickly. If you do not want to go under hard training program than you may also try [url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/acai-berry-for-quick-weight-loss]Acai Berry[/url] or [url=http://www.weightrapidloss.com/colon-cleanse-for-weight-loss]Colon Cleansing[/url] for effortless weight loss.
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