Jun 2, 2007

The weirdest things ever.....

Did you ever stop to think why donald duck wears a towel around his waist when he goes out of the shower while normally he wears no pants ?????

Did u ever stop to think about the word "stofil" ??? what the heck does it mean ???? w kif el wahad fiyo yostofil ???

Did you ever stop to think who came up with the word "baba ghannouj" and what the hell it has to do with the bateinjein?

Did you ever stop to think what colour a smurf suffocating would turn in to??

Did you ever notice that mouzi3in el akhbar on LBC have their ties always always law2a????

Did you ever stop to think what if lebanon is suffering from an auto immune pathology making him fucked up eachtime someone sneezes no matter where and why?

Have you ever noticed that always, and I mean always , fat stupid dirty guys on comedy channel are married to the foxiest ladies ???? ouf thank god am not a hot bimbo..................


S@m said...

walaw ya krys mentionne au moins la personne qui t'as inspiré ce topic... t'as pas du tout d'éthique

Krys said...

DIEU je viens de le poster!!!
Tu vis sur mon blog toi!!!!

Je peux pas reveler l'identite de ma muse sorry :))

Anonymous said...

en plus elle a des tiques!?
; )

ou des tics?

KEA said...

Awwalan, I can see that you are researching HIV/AIDS quiet well these days!
teneh shi, you watch a lot of LBC for someone who lives in 16 eme arrond :D
talitan: for the FSD guys, marrying a hot chick, we have to ask Sam to validate this statement, after all he's the expert in this stuff, around the blogosphere!

_z. said...


Krys said...

you mother poker poke back!!! hahaha :)))

salut volt :)

M>> Awwal chi am not a researcher!!!
Tene chi what's the link between being in the 16eme and watching lbc???
Telet chi sam est perturbe...il a passe 48h on a row sur facebook...il n'est plus une source credible :))

me said...

About Donald Duck, I think that he needs a towel to dry his wet feathers, bte2ten3i mni7, ma bte2ten3i stofli u can turn green like a suffocating smurf. Bass iza z3elti ma tez3ali li anno ra7 e3ezmek 3a a7la mat3am lebneni bya3mel a7la baba ghannouj, w ra7 n5abber el lbc inno ken el baba ghannouj tayyeb ktir, heik bikoun eddem mouzi3in el akhbar, akhbar 7elwe fa ma byedtarro y7arko rabtet el cravate w yrakhouha 3an ra2beton metel ma bya3mlo lamma bi kounou 3am ye2ro el akhbar elli btsemm el badan abel ma yzi3ouha. w heik bi rou2 lebnen lamma el 3alam byesma3o shwayyet a5bar 7elweh. w badel ma ye7daro a5bar el metfajrat bi sir elon nafs y7otto 3al comedy channel ta ye7daro fat stupid guys bi farrto dohek married to the foxiest hot bimbos elli bye5do el 3a2el w ya wayli shou tayyoubin, a winning combination that any smart commercial station makes to raise the number of it's audience.
I want to add something to ur weird list: did u ever stop wondering why Rany is that much beye5 w sa2il???? :))))

Krys said...

Salut rany...comment vas tu??
Long time no c :)))

me said...

salut:) moi ca va. et toi?
Long time no c, but don't blame it on me! :)))

Coco said...

Shou beha kelmit "stofil"? betjannin. W ma atyab men el baba ghannouj ella el mjaddara. W bel nesbeh la Donald Duck, sma3eh shou allik Rany w bala ma tfassdeh akhle2 el wled please lol

Krys said...

coco ente kif btestefle??? :)))

Khawwta said...

salut krys
mich bass stofil.. eh lakaaaaaaaaan, Hasslo,fik 3anni wloooooooo...
fi ktiiir kalimat.. bass akid inno stofil me3nata di2 rassak bel heit

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