Jun 7, 2007



S@m said...

oh la la comme c bien rangé tout ça! tu pratiques le feng shui?
et c koi ce tas de bouteilles?

_z. said...

krys! that's great! haha, I love your desk... I take pictures of mine all the time in all its states... hehe I should post it too...

but dude! you are organized!

Isn't the coke worth mentioning by the way?

Anonymous said...

c'est encore plus structure et organise qu'un defile hitlerien ton truc...
putain que vos hommes doivent souffrir mon amie!

mais faut stopper le coca, focaliser sur machiavel,
et nous montrer le telescope que tu caches pour ze voizin...
ainsi que le dessous de table ; )

puis tu m'as donne une super-idee de cadeau! : )
je trouve que tu manques serieusement de stabilos.

Anonymous said...


Coco said...

Laykeh, shou esmo el lipstick protector? I need one :)
Damn you girl, you're too gemini.. Organization w tertib, coloured highliters, clean stacks of paper, and bottles LOL, the "air you breathe", facing green scenary and feasting the eyes on sexy neighbours... LOL this is too freaky!

Coco said...

... AND being super creative when you're running out of time on something totally different LOL

Krys said...

_z.>> coca is self introducing!!
and dude am not effective when it's all messy, je pete un cable! :))
yalla post ur pics :D

coco>> "Ceracuta" from Noviderm firm..trust me the most effective one, I have tried everything....send u a pack?? :))
And yes am a gemini and that's what it's all about, u know better... ma hek ?? ;)

Oh btw, I only get creative when am in deep shit looool :D

Krys said...

volt>> :)) ....elle aurait du lui dire "sur le bureau?"

v...>> machiavel on hold mnt...incompatible avec les zexamz
et le dessous de la table y a 2 paquets 2 coca, 1 paquet d'eau, et 2 grandes valises....ah et la poubelle...tu veux tjs la photo? :)))

Et pr le cadeau supeeeeeeeeeeer,
y a une couleur ke je trouve pas ici, ce n est ni orange ni rose, entre les 2, y en au liban...je te passe mon adresse,?? :D

euuuh v... c le clone de volt? :))

KEA said...

You just reminded me of As good as it gets, know why?

P.S: Very similar to my view from my appartment in Florida!

Krys said...

huh?? why??

KEA said...

easy... OCD!!
btw hope u did well on ur exams!!

Mounir said...

Krys, why are you soooo organized??

Krys said...

btw I did very well my exams :))

Mone>> looool :)) why not??

inmotion said...

dude ur scaring me .. our plans for world domination might actually be a reality with the way that desks organized


but im up for it


Krys said...

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure I AM!!!!
hehe wait till u see the closet...

We should start putting the headlines of our machiavelic project hahaha :D :D

S@m said...

now i know what u're thinking... when u see this pic. may god be with you... :p

Krys said...

u mean what am feeling ma hek?? suis tro triste sam :((((( bizarre non??