Everybody's so keen about facebook recently and this is no surprise "tout nouveau tout beau" and when it comes to us, lebanese people, we are the greatest fans of gossips and curiosity regarding each other's private life.
But this post is not to argue the utility of Facebook, am copying/pasting here what a girl, C., wrote in the ZAHLE group.
Out of nowhere, when each member was expressing how much he loooooooooooooooves zahle and all the bla bla bla that comes out of people who left, C. posts the following:
"hi ahl zahle ana bade wajehlkoun riseli masihie w eslem esa bthebo cherko ma3na bas ana ya rayetni bi lebnen, fi masira 3ala bkerki kermel maskhara taba3 madona li an ghalbatit lel assaf w ftakarit weja sermayeta w hatit al salib betmana tcherko bokra please kel wahad bi lebnen ycherik please li an ma rah ne2bal hadan yde2 bi salibna w bi al din taba3na mneheb kel al adyen w mnehterim kel al adyien w lezim hene kamen ykounou haik w tzakaro eno yassou3 nsalab kermelna fa ma lezim nesma7 la 7adan yzakzekna w yde2 bi massihiyetna please cherko zahle deyman btcherik w ela mawe2if kounou ad al 7emel metel ma ba3refkoun deyman please ya rayt ana bi lebnen mech bas kenet 3melet mozahara 3ala bkerke la kenet 3melet mozahara 3ala day3eta al zbeli eli tol3it mena..."
What on earth is this girl talking about?!!? Then we found out that she was talking about that show the American Madonna (pls note that it's not the lebanese Madonna) did where she performed on a cross.
Then after few questions, trying to find out from this girl what's the use of such a propaganda and plus that show took place a year ago and why on earth she thinks zahle is so concerned!!
Here's what she replied":
"sorry za3ajna khaterkoun mech hay2to al mawdou3 bi khosskoun daya3telkoun waktkoun kermel chi tefih bel nesbi elkoun bas ktir mhem bel nesbi lal ackhas eli bi hebo alla w akid bi nazare nicole wakta sta3malit rosary w hateta khelkhal bi majalit ahla bi dubai w madona hatit mahala matrah yassou3 be3te2id fi ktir toro2 w haflet bta3mela ta tejmaa masari ....."
Ok so I replied to her telling her that that's not what we are arguing about, who loves god and who's concerned and bla bla bla...(sparing you the rest)
So what am wondering about is how come people get so compulsive like this?
I mean "massira 3a bkerke"??? what the hell??
All we think about is protesting and propaganda and getting defensive.
Lots of people condemned the overrated islamic reaction to those danish caricatures and now this girl is calling basically for the same thing in the zahle way of talking :P, el sett C. badda ta3moul mouzahara 3a bkerke.
As if we haven't had enough of demonstrations in this country, and as if there aren't other stuff way more important in leb to take care of.
I may not be a religious person, I am christian because I was born in a christian family in a christian town, and I respect everybody's point of view and maybe what Madonna did should be condemned but at the year 2007 such compulsive reactions are not acceptable.
We are mature, educated, civilised people and we could make the world hear our point of view by other means in the 21th century.
"maybe what Madonna did should be condemned"
inte wes2A men kalemik? shabiya wa ella ba3mol mouzahara men beyt madonna bi london w mne2ta3 la manche bel eurostar ta nousal la 3endik ) paris. Chu fhemna!
ba3dein are u stealing ideas from my blog? i have the same topic lol
bele testrak hahahahahahahahaha
Well I expected you to write about it, walaw 3am yde2o bi ma3boudtak lol :)))
Men wen badak ta3moul mouzahara?? men "day3eta el zbele la madonna" hahahahaha :))
Awal chi j'ai cru k'elle parlait de kkun k elle connait la voisine masalan lol :))
eh men notting hill day3it madonna li ghalbatit lel assaf w ftakarit weja sermayeta
je me permet de rectifier "we are mature, educated, civilised people and we..."
ma chere krys
You are mature, You are civilised..
et puis franchement..fesse bouque pour revolutionner le monde??
I told you do not open Pandora's box :D Shou badik fi lal Facebook.
Plus aysh baddik tkouneh metwa23a min wled Zahle :D
Mais non Deubleudi fesse bouque pr papoter, voir qui sort avec qui, qui voyage, qui bla bla bla, lol :D
Mais franchement je pensais ke chak personne avait un potentiel de maturite et de ..... helas c pas vrai. :))
M you are dead mon pote!!!
And I know you're not serious abt this statement :)))
lol, that was hilarious...
feyteh fiya malyoun el bint...
mmm>>> all wled zahlé are not stupid and dumb u have 2 specimens of these people on blogger
et en fait j'en suis sur que cette conasse n'est pas de zahlé meme mais de ses "banlieux"
sam calme toi, khalas!!! Et puis M was joking, aslan he watched the debate live on facebook lol :))
_z. if only I saved the rest of this conversation, too bad the admin erased everything.
The girl got to very low standards in her way of talking, besides preaching us about god and saying that "fehemna ghaliz w cha3eb jehel w ya 3eyb el choum 3leyna" she ended up attacking me personnally.
Since my pic on facebook is the same betty boop I have here, she started insulting me saying that I am xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx because am wearing this short dress with a jaretiere and that I should be ashamed of myself for being proud of my legs instead of my face......and tons of other non sense words........
Ya3ne c inutile de raconter plus, mais ca m'etonne de savoir qu'il y a des gens encore aussi incultes et d'une impolitesse rare.
I mean when you're debating someone about a point of view how low can you get by attacking someone on a personnal level instead of prooving your conviction...
We might be educated in Lebanon we have the highest literacy rate in the middle east, but civilised and mature I so much doubt it. Ma tlet terbe3 el sha3eb el lebneni metel sadi2tek C. ma bi fakker gheir bi 3asabiyto, w kel shi byen2al baddo ye2elbo la hjoum shakhsi 3lei w yred bi shakel shakhsi, eh ma houwwe shater w abaday w 7arboo2 ma bi 5alli 7adan ykello raso, heik bi fakro meen bi kasser rass el teneh w meen byotla3 afham mnel teneh w......... my everyday life in Lebanon... makes me want to trow up.
"Since my pic on facebook is the same betty boop I have here, she started insulting me saying that I am xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxxx because am wearing this short dress with a jaretiere and that I should be ashamed of myself for being proud of my legs instead of my face......and tons of other non sense words........"
ya krys, sa7i7 el erd bi yekhaba warra el chajra
btw rany, i hear you man, but who gives a darn fuck?
do you wanna play that game?
ya stigz ba3ed la halla2 g pas compris ce k'elle a voulu dire par cette expression lol :))
Y a encore pire "hey2tik men jame3et l ejreyn ente w hal jaretiere taba3ek, cheyfe halik bi ejreyke badal ma tchoufe halik bi wejek, 3eyb 3leyke salbe idik 3a wejik"
J'en rigole encore, faudra qu'on fasse une soiree rien ke pr se marrer de ca lol :)))
rany I might consider a pesonnal attack when the two persons know each other but attacking me based on this pic come on this is hilarious typical stupidity and lack of awareness for the strict minimum of social politeness.
I told her that she has an unconscious inability to handle a debate or criticism and her comments are impolite regarding our comments, we were just trying to understand what's the story (that btw turned out to be that Nicole richie did a tatoo illustrating madonna on the cross) and do you wanna know what she replied to me.
"ente wehde bala akhle2 leh2a el ghareb 3al 3emyene w 3am tdef3e 3an madonna w nicole"
Totally not related w aslan I didn't,in any case, defend those 2, I was arguing her abt smg else.
So case in point, some people are stupid and dumb, they can't even handle such a meaningless and silly debate....then we wonder why this country is always in deep shit....well bcuz nobody wants to listen to another point of view.
Keloun fehmenin w keloun ma3oun ha2 w ma hada yefta7 temo.
Damn it!!!
She is so ridiculously and sadly funny...
I wonder what's christian about her behavior
krys don't u ever forget the 14th of may 2007 the day u got harassed on facebook by a pseudo christian integrist
Let's burn that witch (better than saying bitch... oops just said it :D)
eh enno ma32oul inte lebsseh hal2add 2asir kamen!
Krys, "unconscious inability to handle a debate or criticism" is another way of saying "Lebanese". I totally agree with you.
Stigma, I don't care and I surely don't play that game but when ur surrounded by shit it's hard to avoid smelling the bad smell, it's annoying, all you can see around you is stupid people arguing stupidly.
And it's hard to find someone with whom you can have a fruitful civilised conversation about controversial issues, almost impossible.
_z. festan 2assir w 7awla w metl l 2ered mkhabeye wara l chajra w hein w hein w hein lol :))
rany bas the problem enu I wasn't arguing a controversial issue walla ya reyt that was the case....
First I was trying to decrypt what she was saying cuz nobody had a clue then I was telling her to be more rationnal and less compulsive.
Plz khafefo latlaté badna nnem
salleb idak 3a wejak abel ma tehke hek hake bala ta3me w bala akhle2 tahet l moustawa aslan ana ma lezem enzal la moustawek l menhat el wade7 men "les 3 trous ke t'as au cul".
ya 3eyb el choum badal ma teste7e w tendab w tetla2at bi fatfoutit el iman .....
ok that's all I can remember at this time lol :)))
merci : )
d'abord de cette crucificatrice live que tu nous livres.
elle emploie le verbe "yzakzekna", je trouve ca zarbi.
mais en tout cas, en tout cas, qu'importe tout ca...
peut etre que depuis des mois je suis pas tombe sur une phrase pareille, du grand krys!, presque du lautreamont, un sommet !! :
"I mean "massira 3a bkerke"??? what the hell??"
: )!!
what a lesson...
"what a lesson"???
Ben moi je vois pas l'interet d'une telle massira, c'est aussi simple ke ca, peut etre si toi tu la trouves raisonnee comme reaction tu pourrais m'expliquer!!
Et puis de tte facon j'avais rien pige de ce ke cette fille racontais kan j'ai poste ca but then again, when I knew the real story I said another "what the hell".
Forbidding importing "Voici" to lebanon because they published Nicole Richie's pics with that tatoo of Madonna on the cross!!!
just meant that these people were supposed to sell paradise : )
oh I see :)
Wsolet m2akhara, bass it is still a funny post. 7aram ykoun fi ness heyk ba3ed w en plus barrat Lebnen. I wonder in which developped country she lives ta tkoun hal2add m7ammasseh 3al mouzaharat w bahdalit el 3alam bala assess on "fesse bouque" (3ajabteneh haydeh) lol
Ba3den ma eltellik ya Krys enno fostanik baddo fakk zef :) 3eyb ya bannout khabbeh hal si2en w sha3ratik ktir 2ssar 3ala hal rass
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH I can't believe this Ms C.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ba3ed fi cha3rate ma tbahdalo lol :)))
she's in dubai l sett C.
I remember she did a video clip min shi 20 years :S
baddoun shi w yetzaharo, i mean what's next, demonstration against god because its still raining w ni7na halla2 serna bi May?
hahaha go tell her this and am sure she'll be attacking you based on ur Vans shoes lol :))
Finally she wasn't talking abt that show that she did a year ago, she was talking abt nicole richie who had a tatoo on her leg in the shape of a rosary with madonna on the cross
check the whole story here
krys 3anjad thx dahaktini min albi
by the way I am in lebanon and i didn't hear about this "Massira" ba3dena inno khtassarit l massihiyi bi ahel zahlé basss et en plus ktiiiir t2akharit ta ta3mol radit fi3il et encore chou khasssna bi madonna w miniyi nicole???????????
Where's Madonna's village?
Btw I totally agree
madonnna's village is notting hillan area in West London, England
Sam you are hilarious!!
khawwta va savoir!!! :)
Slt Trobilis
*now I know ure from Trobliss lol :D*
hahahahahahaha "Ya Alla shou kheli2 7ayalla"
Thanks Krys for the link, I commented there ;)
ur welcome .
and "ya alla shou kheli2 hayalla"..lol :))
khele2 ktiiiiiiiiiiiiir hayalla :)
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