A blognote to scratch down some of the brouhaha itching my neopallium....to make fun of some other "must" clichés & to draw, with a very bad handwriting, some "gribouillages".....
You all laugh because I am different, I laugh because you are all the same!!
AHAHAHA Zakkartineh bi masra7iyit Bennesbeh La Bokra Shou tab3it 7abib albeh Ziad, lamma el benet el Frensewiyyeh sekrit 3al Vodka Salemtik men el dropping dead. Kella Vodka wlo ;)
AHAHAHA Zakkartineh bi masra7iyit Bennesbeh La Bokra Shou tab3it 7abib albeh Ziad, lamma el benet el Frensewiyyeh sekrit 3al Vodka
Salemtik men el dropping dead. Kella Vodka wlo ;)
3 vodka? is that the best you can do? chez nous au Liban, C 99 bottles of vodka on the wall...:D
no coco, ma sekrit 3al vodka el frinsewiyye... sekrit 3al whiskey...
un whiskey, deux whiskey... w kaza...
eh salemtik krys, w chrabeh gatorade, it will remove the hangover faster than water.
coco>> "kella vodka wlo"...euh so ma ele 3en khabrik 3an l beer lol :D
M>> j'aimerais bien te voir avec 99 bottles of vodka chez vs au liban!!!
_z.>> I have better than gatorade....sleep the whole next day hehehe :D
If when u drink vodka u drop dead and blog, ba3dek bi 1000 5eir. Usually other people do weird stuff i mean really weird stuff.
Pause pub
tu devrais essayer la téquila monte alban ...
Santé ;)
Fin de la pause pub
Hic hic hic hourra
rany>> you don't wanna know about the weird stuff...3eyb on devoile pas tt sur le blog, I have to keep some standards after all hahahahaa :))
frencheagle>> hic tequila hic wai pas mal hic vodka sucks hic hic hic hic hic hic hic hic...sorry hic 3ala2et hic l hazou2a hic... hic lol :D hic
AHAHAHAHA sa7! Haydikeh sekrit 3al whiskey. Bravo 7afeza _Z.
Krys, wala yhemmik, ana beskar.. euh... kenet eskar 3al bira kamen. Come to think of it, sarleh zamen ma skeret :( ma bi sir heyk
coco ma bisir heyk!! khalas boukra mneskar in leb, 3al berdawny kamen hahaha :))
wallla ana ma bhibbb el whiskey but I love Vodka... coco and krys ya reit mnisskar 3al birdawni :)
One Tequila
Two Tequila
Three Tequila
khawwta>> boukra mneskar bel sayfiye hopefully eza ma 3le2na in the war round 2...
One Tequila
Two Tequila
Three Tequila
Four Tequila
Bathroom w head and stomach ache lol :D
Pfffffffff elles ne savent plus boire les filles d'aujourd'hui ...
J en connaissais une qui pouvait ingurgiter tte une bouteille :s
pire que moi :s:s:s:s
I was trying to drag you into talking about it, too bad it didn't work. :)
rany ehem ehem...ma koulou ma yatamanahou l mar2ou youdrikouhou, tajri l riya7ou bima la tachtahi l soufounou lol :))
frencheagle>> tte une bouteille!!! ben que puis je dire...elle est taree la fille :))
ouf ouf ouf, al motanabbi!
my reply:
Al khaylo wal laylo wal bayda2o ta3refoni
Wal sayfo wal rem7o wal qortaso wal qalamou
loll, 3 vodkas would do that to u?? poor girl
acidfog you know am gonna kick ur ass ma hek??? lol :D
u know if u look at this picture and scrool up and down..makes u feel dizzy!
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