Feb 8, 2007

Don't drive and drink!

*Driving & drinking is a real problem:
When I turn left, it's ok, I pour it in the glass but when I turn right I spill it all!


Anonymous said...

drinking ....

hmmmm j ai déja été un peu secoué par un crash test a 170km/h comme cha :s

comment passer l an 2000 en beauté

Anonymous said...

....when you can smoke and fly?

Krys said...

Frencheagle, 170km/h??? j'espere que c'etait pas une voiture de F1... :S

anonyme, ...after you kiss kiss bang bang! :D

Anonymous said...

...it doesn t seem a problem for lebanese drivers...
i ve seen some with a juicy falafel in one, a soda in the other and drivin safely, in full awarness...
try drivin with the top of your knee controlin the steerin wheel, you could possibly, one day, roll big fat joint while singin along with your friends...oh bladi oh bladaa life go on oooon!
Abou Tawtaw

Krys said...

Oh bladi oh bladaa la la la life goes on.... lol :D
I think Nancy Ajram suits better the scene you're describing :D & hey you forgot one thing ....talking on the cell phone too :D
Cheers Abou Tawtaw...

Joe said...

Drinking and driving?? Well I believe that a person should "Drink then drive, because you might spill your drink!" - an old quote and.. A joint?? i never tried one of those! Unless you mean a normal cigarette!

S@m said...

Quelqu'un a dejà vomi au volant de sa bagnole apres une soirée bien arrosée?

Anonymous said...

en fait il ne s'agissait pas de ma voiture, j etais un passager, c etait un pote qui venait de s acheter une bmw... et qui venait de terminer son rodage /siffle
tu sais comment sont les libanais en bmw ...

apres le rodage, la casse pour la bagnole :s

Krys said...

acidfog, I don't know, humhum!!!
Ask Abou Tawtaw.

Sam, t'es serieux!!!

Frencheagle, oula l'assurance a ete ravie et papa aussi (je suppose c'est lui qui a achete la BMW au fiston) :D

Anonymous said...

mouai t as tt compris :D

c est son papa qui était ravi ...

Anonymous said...

yo krys
bladi jam3 baladi yemken...
Abou Tawtaw

Krys said...

yo man, "kelma helwa w kelmeten, helwa ya baladi"...
How many balad do you have Abou Tawtaw??

Coco said...

ma fi a7san men el "chalimôneh"

Krys said...

coco "kazoza" w "chalimoneh" w "kazdoura" 3a rawche haha :D