Jan 4, 2007

The wrong equation!

  1. Everytime a relationship ends up with a failure....
  2. Everytime I leave lebanon....
  3. Whenever I have a fight with my best friends....
  4. When I found out he's a big liar just defying his friend to break my iron wall....
  5. Quand je pique une crise de colere....
  6. When I realised that nothing is going well between them and for 24 years it was a fake play....
  7. When my car slided and I almost died....
  8. When I was broke and decided to deal with it on my own....
  9. When my two best friend's dads died....
  10. When he proposed to me....

If in all these cases I haven't cried then why on earth I feel the urge to cry this afternoon???

Crying equals weakness but weakness doesn't equal Krys!!!


KEA said...

Big Hug Cherro!


Hope this helps

Anonymous said...

Krys...Mojito time :D

Krys said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmm, a hug always helps...thx :P

Pumpkinee, Mojito and a chocolate bar and am the queen of the world... lol :)

Joe said...

Crying doesnt equal weakness!! ;)

Krys said...

Acidfog, all sorts of showing emotions are a form of weakness..