Jan 13, 2007


  1. Good mood.........Checked
  2. Positive thinking......Checked (*stop thinking tout court)
  3. Positive attitude.....Checked
  4. Bank account......Checked ( *call the parents)
  5. Best parents....Checked
  6. Good friends....Checked
  7. Best friends.....Checked
  8. Casual friends....Checked
  9. Funny bloggers......Checked
  10. Beautiful minds......Checked (*Fading away)
  11. Best brother......Checked (*call him for the thing)
  12. 10 Go music......Checked (*Get an external hard disk)
  13. Iron deficiency....Checked ( *call the doctor)
  14. Favourite perfume.....Checked (*Get the matching body lotion)
  15. Internet......Checked
  16. Coffee.....Checked
  17. 0 Fat marshmallows........Checked
  18. Converse.......Checked
  19. 46 Pairs of shoes......Checked

So all my daily "must" ingredients are basically here, (eventhough some stuff need to get fixed) but got the feeling that something's missing......

What could it possibly be???


Joe said...

acidfog, good clothes! ;)

Krys said...

well 46 pairs of shoes don't go with "naked" I guess lol :D

T said...

maybe "naked" is what you need then.. being in touch with your inner self. too many clothes can overwhelm your being and attract mental breakdowns.... wow, that was morbid haha

Anonymous said...

"the thing"...?

nobilis tobilis said...

maybe the "perfect" partner to share ur daily life with?

S@m said...

the 46 bags that go with the shoes

Anonymous said...

-the 47th pair... the clue one!
-mel gibson?
-omar karameh?

Krys said...

t, en d'autre termes you mean MEDITATE, right?
R u buddhist? ;)

NB, the "perfect partner" is a real thing????

Sam, 46 bags??? Ou vais je les mettre, ds mes 13m2 it's either me, either shoes and bags! lol :D

volt, the thing tu sais pas c koi...walaw!!!
The 47th pair?.....got it 2day (look at the new post) & still missing smg!
Omar Karame?.....chou 3emletlak ana! :(
U?....mmmmmmmm...you gotta proove ur innocence first! ;)

Anonymous said...

vaste programme! (il me faut treize volumes de 500p en caractere 8, au moins...)

mais c'est bien toi qui rit impitoyablement de l'amour quelques posts plus bas..., pourtant meme sur 13 m2, paris regorge de princes charmants, histoire de trouver chaussure a son pied! :)

on se bouge!
c'est une nouvelle annee...

T said...

according to the "religion test" that i took, i turned out to be mostly atheist, partly agnostic with a tiny part of buddhism. so i guess the buddha in me is going rebellious..

Krys said...

volt, au seul risque de paraitre pretentieuse ,je me reserve de repondre .. ;)

t, I have some rebellious spirit qui se manifeste en moi but I dont' think it has anyhting to do with buddhism...you have to send me the link for the "religion test" that you took.. :)