Dec 21, 2006


Fear?..... Fear of what!
Stress?... That's not new!
Anxious?... Never been there!
Love?... Yeah don't make me laugh!
Excitement?... Bof!
Anger?... So not me!
Then what is it?
Somebody explain this weird feeling to me!


S@m said...

maybe it's depression?!?!

Krys said...

Depression is not a feeling!

Mounir said...

All symptoms indicate you either fell in love or fell on your head ;) for either the cure I recommend, as you know me, is natural one :)

Krys said...

In love...definitely not...
Fell on my head...mmmmm....probably but doesn't that hurt????

S@m said...

I'm sure it's depression

Krys said...

Definitely not!
Aslan define depression please!!!

Joe said...


Krys said...

Don't think so...Went home for xmas and came back and the feeling's still the same....weird....!